How to Clean Your Outdoor Trash Can

How to Clean Your Outdoor Trash Can

Let's face it, no one enjoys cleaning their outdoor  trash can. It's a dirty job, but it needs to be done. Keeping your trash can clean is essential for hygiene, reducing odors, and preventing pest infestations. Regular cleaning can make a significant difference, and with the right approach, it doesn't have to be a daunting task.

Materials Needed

Before you get started, gather all the necessary supplies. Having everything on hand will make the process smoother and quicker. Here's what you'll need:

• Rubber gloves 

• Face mask 

• Garden hose/Water Source 

• Scrub brush or sponge 

• Bucket 

• Dish soap or  an all-purpose cleaner 

• Bleach or  Hypochlorous Acid Disinfectant 

• Vinegar and baking soda (natural alternatives)

• Essential oils (for deodorizing) 

•  Trash can liners

Safety Precautions

Cleaning a trash can involves handling potentially harmful substances, so it's crucial to take some safety precautions. Always wear rubber gloves and a  face mask to protect yourself from bacteria and harsh chemicals. Ensure you're working in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes.

Step By Step Guide to Cleaning Trash Can

Step-by-Step Cleaning Guide

Step 1: Empty the Trash Can 

Start by emptying your trash can completely. Remove any leftover trash bags and loose debris. 

Step 2: Rinse with Water 

Using a garden hose, rinse the interior of the trash can. This helps to loosen and remove any stuck-on waste and dirt. Make sure to target all corners and the bottom of the can. 

Step 3: Apply Cleaning Solution 

Fill a bucket with warm water and add your all-purpose cleaner. If you prefer a natural solution, mix equal parts of vinegar and water. Pour the solution into the trash can, covering all surfaces. 

Step 4: Scrub the Interior 

Scrub the inside of the trash can thoroughly with your scrub brush or sponge. Pay special attention to areas with stubborn stains or residue. Don't forget to scrub the lid and handles as well. 

Step 5: Rinse and Dry 

Once you've scrubbed the entire interior, rinse the trash can again with the garden hose. Ensure all soap or cleaning solution is washed away. Leave the trash can to dry completely in the sun, as the sunlight helps to kill any remaining bacteria.

Deep Cleaning Techniques

For particularly stubborn stains or a deep clean, you might need something stronger than dish soap, like Zogics Hypochlorous Disinfectant.

Using Bleach for Stubborn Stains

Mix a solution of one part bleach to ten parts water and use it to scrub the interior of the trash can. Make sure to rinse thoroughly after using bleach to avoid any lingering chemical residue.

Natural Alternatives: Vinegar and Baking Soda

If you prefer to avoid harsh chemicals, vinegar and baking soda are excellent natural cleaners. Sprinkle baking soda inside the trash can and then spray it with vinegar. The fizzy reaction helps to break down grime and deodorize the can.

Deodorizing Your Trash Can

Keeping your trash can smelling fresh is just as important as keeping it clean. Here are some methods to tackle odors:

Baking Soda: Sprinkle a layer of baking soda at the bottom of the trash can before placing a new liner. Baking soda neutralizes odors effectively. 

Essential Oils: Add a few drops of essential oils (like lavender or tea tree oil) to a cotton ball and place it in the bottom of the can for a pleasant scent.

Preventive Measures

Taking preventive measures can reduce the frequency of deep cleans and help maintain a cleaner trash can.

Lining the Trash Can

Always use trash can liners to prevent waste from coming into direct contact with the can's interior. Double bagging can also help if you dispose of particularly messy items.

Regular Maintenance Schedule 

Create a routine for cleaning your trash can. A quick rinse and scrub once a month can prevent buildup and make deep cleaning less frequent and easier. 

Seasonal Cleaning Tips

Different seasons come with different challenges when it comes to keeping your trash can clean. 

Cleaning in Different Weather Conditions 

More frequent cleaning might be necessary in warmer months to combat the faster growth of bacteria and stronger odors. During colder months, you can clean less often but be prepared for ice buildup if you leave water in the can. 

Adjusting Your Routine Seasonally 

Adapt your cleaning routine based on the weather. In summer, focus more on deodorizing, while in winter, ensure your trash can is dry to avoid ice formation.

Dealing with Pests 

Pests can be a significant issue with outdoor trash cans. Here’s how to keep them at bay: 

Keeping Bugs and Animals Away 

Ensure your trash can has a tight-fitting lid. Use bungee cords if necessary to keep it securely closed. Consider using pest repellents around the base of the can. 

Commercial Pest Control Products

For commercial use, there are several effective products available to deter pests:

Commercial Pest Repellents: Products like Critter Ridder or PestBlock are designed to keep animals away from trash cans. These repellents are easy to apply and long-lasting. 

Trash Can Enclosures: Consider using trash can lid or secured storage solutions specifically designed to keep animals out of trash bins. 

Professional Pest Control Services: For severe infestations, hiring a professional pest control service can provide a more comprehensive solution.

Cleaning the Exterior

Don’t forget about the outside of your trash can. The exterior can also harbor germs and dirt.

Commercial Cleaning Products

For a more polished look, use commercial cleaning products designed for outdoor surfaces:

Outdoor Surface Cleaners: Products like Simple Green Cleaner or Zep Heavy Duty Cleaner are specifically formulated for tough cleaning jobs. 

Pressure Washers: For a deep clean, consider using a pressure washer. This can be especially useful for large commercial trash cans or dumpsters.

Cleaning Trash Bin

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

Avoid these common pitfalls to ensure your trash can stays clean and odor-free. 

Overlooking Certain Spots 

Don’t forget to clean under the rim and the handles, as these areas can harbor germs and dirt. 

Using Harsh Chemicals Incorrectly 

Always dilute harsh chemicals like bleach. Using them undiluted can damage your trash can and pose health risks.

FAQs About Cleaning Trash Cans 

How often should I clean my trash can? 

It’s recommended to clean your trash can at least once a month to prevent buildup and odors. 

Can I use dish soap to clean my trash can? 

Yes, dish soap is effective for regular cleaning. For deep cleaning, you might need stronger solutions like bleach or natural alternatives like vinegar and baking soda. 

How can I keep my trash can smelling fresh? 

Sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the can and use essential oils for a pleasant scent. 

What should I do if my trash can has maggots? 

Empty and clean the trash can thoroughly with hot water and bleach to kill any remaining maggots and eggs. 

Are there any eco-friendly cleaning options? Yes, vinegar and baking soda are excellent eco-friendly cleaning options that are safe for the environment.

Cleaning your outdoor trash can might not be the most glamorous task, but it’s an essential one. Regular cleaning helps maintain hygiene, reduce odors, and prevent pests. By following these steps and tips, you can keep your trash can clean and fresh with minimal effort. Happy cleaning!

Check out related products and more cleaning tips at  The Cleaning Station.

Jul 26, 2024 The Cleaning Station

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